Delayed Dismissal Procedures
General Myer Elementary School is committed to the safety and security of our students. The decision of whether the school should or should not follow the delayed dismissal procedures is the decision of the Administration of the School and is based on the overall concern for the children.
The following is to remind you of the procedures that are followed when delayed dismissal is called.
Our District will use the REMIND communications platform to send a mass text and/or email to parents/guardians notifying you that delayed dismissal has been called. Please keep in mind that all efforts will be made to notify you ahead of time and with as much notice as possible.
1 hour out from dismissal, if lightning is 10 miles out, we will warn families that there MAY be delayed dismissal due to lightning in the area.
30 minutes out from dismissal, a determination of delayed dismissal will be made if lightning is within a 5-mile radius.
Messages will continue to be sent in order to keep all families updated of dismissal status.
Although we do not recommend, if you deem it necessary to pick up your child in school, here are the procedures:
- You must park in a parking spot
- Come into building
- Sign out your child
Bus Riders will be delayed as well. Additional updates will be provided including when dismissal will take place.
If staff members are not present in the loop, it has been determined that conditions are unsafe for dismissal. Dismissal will continue when conditions are safe.