Health Services/Nurse
Welcome to The General Myer School Nurse web page. I am Mrs. Lora Siau, a registered nurse. I am in the Health Office Monday through Friday to be of service to you and your children.
I would like to encourage healthy behavior. Children need a good breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Skipped breakfasts bring many children with headaches and stomach aches to the Health Office every week. Children need plenty of active playtime and this age group needs about 10 hours of sleep a night.
I am here to take care of any mishaps that may occur during the school day, and will be in contact with parents for ill or injured students. For any questions, feel free to call me at: 417-8324.
No medication (prescription or over the counter) is to be brought to school unless it is the original prescription container along with a form signed by the doctor. Students with Asthma need a current Asthma Action Plan and Parent signature to give permission for inhaler to be used at school. Students may carry their inhaler after demonstrating knowledge of how and when to use it.
Parents, if your child needs Tylenol/Motrin during the school day, I will be calling you even if permission has been given. This is to make sure you have not already given it to your child before coming to school.
Please let me know if your child has any food allergies. I will be making a list of foods not to be in your child's class. This is to make sure those foods are not accidentally brought in, or are not in the ingredients of pantry foods that other parents bring in during the school year for snacks, parties, etc.
I would like to encourage healthy behavior. Children need a good breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Skipped breakfasts bring many children with headaches and stomach aches to the Health Office every week. Children need plenty of active playtime and this age group needs about 10 hours of sleep a night.
I am here to take care of any mishaps that may occur during the school day, and will be in contact with parents for ill or injured students. For any questions, feel free to call me at: 417-8324.
No medication (prescription or over the counter) is to be brought to school unless it is the original prescription container along with a form signed by the doctor. Students with Asthma need a current Asthma Action Plan and Parent signature to give permission for inhaler to be used at school. Students may carry their inhaler after demonstrating knowledge of how and when to use it.
Parents, if your child needs Tylenol/Motrin during the school day, I will be calling you even if permission has been given. This is to make sure you have not already given it to your child before coming to school.
Please let me know if your child has any food allergies. I will be making a list of foods not to be in your child's class. This is to make sure those foods are not accidentally brought in, or are not in the ingredients of pantry foods that other parents bring in during the school year for snacks, parties, etc.
If your Child is sick:
Fever: Students must be fever free (under 100.0) without fever reducing medication for approximately 24 hours before returning to school.
Rash: Students should not be sent to school with a rash without a physician’s note for clearance.
Antibiotics: If a health practitioner has a student on antibiotics, the student should be taking the medication for 24 hours before returning to school.
Vomiting /Diarrhea: If a student is vomiting/ having diarrhea, they should stay home from school until resolved for 24 hours. Exceptions are made when a student has a non-communicable condition.
Tonsillitis or Strep Throat: Until recovered and / or if on an antibiotic. A child should have had at least 24 hours of treatment and be fever free 24 hours before returning to school (without the use of Tylenol and Motrin).
I am looking forward to a great, healthy school year with our Myer students.
Last Modified on February 7, 2019